Local Artist

HipHopJamz.com  has grown really fast to become one of the biggest hip hop related sites on the internet. We have really decided to give back to the community and really let new mc's get their voice heard. If you would like to featured on our site, give us a shout at local-artist@hiphopjamz.com and well do whatever it takes for you to be featured in this section. To discuss about these rappers you can check out our "Disscusion Unit" at hiphopjamz.com/forum

The Featured Underground, Local, New MC's Begins:

The Formula -
Another group from the same stompin grounds as the suns.. Phoenix, AZ...

Fredde - New HipHop artist straight from the heart of Houston, TX aka as we know it H-Town, Screws-Ton, Chop-Town, BayouCity Baby..

Ivory - Ivory, an undaground MC from Phoenix.

Dante - German MC

Kameil Madison - "Everyone check out Definition's featured talent Kameil Madison". The
hottest female rapper in the industry is here. Are you ready?

730 - Elijah from Mob Life Records wants everyone to be aware of the label by Mob Life Records. It is an independent label in NJ, USA. 2Pac's brother Mopreme Shakur is on the label. FYI, 730 who has recently completed a collaboration album with former Death Row Records artist Tha Realest has just put out a mixtape..

Maverick (Mav) - some like, some love, some hate and some just don't give a fuck. "Hip Hop is my life and this pen is my wife."

Related Links

- Radio

- Mav
- Ivory 
- Dante
- Kameil Madison
- 730
- The Formula